Scoil Naomh Colmáin - Clara National School
School Calendar 2020-2021
Hallowe’en: October 26th – October 30th
Christmas: Closing Tuesday December 22nd @ 12.30p.m.
Re-opening Wednesday, January 6th
Mid – Term: Thursday, February 18th,
Friday ,February 19th
March: Friday March 5th
Public Holiday: Wednesday March 17th
Easter: Closing Friday, March 26th @ 12.30p.m.
Re-opening Monday, April 12th
May: Monday, May 3rd (Public Holiday),
Tuesday, May 4th , Wednesday May 5th
June: Friday June 4th, Monday June 7th
(Public Holiday)
Summer: Closing Friday, June 25th @ 12.30p.m.
Confirmation: To be confirmed
First Holy Communion: To be confirmed